McFarlane Massage Therapy Privacy Policy


Treatment facilities are located at the following addresses:

McFarlane Massage Therapy & Pilates Studio, Station Road, Warminster, Wiltshire BA12 9AN.

Website :

Paula: paula [at]

Mobile: 07799077555

Claire: claire [at]

Mobile: 07886 925547


What personal information do we collect?

We currently collect, record and store personal information to enable us to offer specific tailored massage therapies to clients with a number of soft tissue injuries and/or dysfunctions. This information includes name, date of birth, address, telephone number, email address, nominated emergency contact details, and brief medical history including allergy information. We also record details of treatments given i.e. massage mediums, client positioning, specific treatment types and client comments and / or reactions to treatment.

How is the information obtained?

This information is collected during an initial contact and consultation as part of the treatment session. All information is recorded on to individual client treatment records, along with the client’s signature for informed consent to treatment.

Parents/Guardians are required to accompany any child under the age of 16 throughout treatments and sign the informed consent forms on the behalf of the child undergoing treatment.

What is the purpose of storing this information?

This information helps us to monitor progress and ensure ongoing treatments can be adjusted in accordance with individual needs/requirements and reactions to previous treatments.

Client information will not be shared with any other party without the prior consent of the individual concerned. This would only arise in instances of referral to a medical professional for the benefit of the client.

How do we store your information?

Client records are only stored in the treatments rooms when a client is due to attend an appointment. At all other times information is stored securely in your therapist’s home and cannot be accessed by any other individual or business.

In accordance with current holistic therapy guidance we are required to hold any personal treatment information for 10 years. For children under the age of 18, this information will be held for 10 years from their 18th birthday.

What can I do if have any concerns or complaints?

If you are concerned or have a specific complaint regarding the way in which personal information is collected or stored, please speak with your therapist immediately.